Mother of prisoner on hunger strike: We are their voice outside 2019-05-24 15:17:52   ANKARA - One of the prisoners who joined the hunger strike resistance is  Baran Atay, in Osmaniye Prison. He has been on hunger strike since 1 March.    DTK co-chair and HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven has reached day 198 of her hunger strike resistance demanding the end of isolation against PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan.   Her resistance was joined by thousands in prisons and around the world.    One of the prisoners who joined the hunger strike resistance is  Baran Atay, in Osmaniye Prison. He has been on hunger strike since 1 March.    The Atay family migrated from Mardin to Adana due to economic problems in 1985. Baran Atay is the fifth of 14 children.   He only studied two years in primary school before beginning to work.  Baran Atay worked in many places, from gardening, shoe cleaning, selling bagels, selling sweet and water.   Baran Atay began to join political activities when he was 14 and was arrested and imprisoned for an action. He stayed in Pozantı Juvenile Prison and was released after one year with a 40 percent disability being reported. when he was 16 he started to work in a repair shop and also continued his youth political work. He was arrested again when he was recognised in a photo to have joined a demonstration.   He has been in prison for 8 years and was deported to Kilis Prison, Tarsus Prison, Elbistan Prison, and finally to Osmaniye Prison.   Atay managed to escape from Osmaniye Prison 5 years ago, but was arrested again when someone spoke.    “We have been on a hunger strike since he started fasting. - said his mother Hediye Atay - The sugar level drops, blood pressure is dropping. He told us how he is. We don't want anybody to die. We don’t want our sons to die, we don’t want soldiers or police to die. My son and his friends are fasting. For what? They are demanding peace, they are asking for something legal. We feel like they feel, there is no sleep, no comfort for us since they went on hunger strike.”    Hediye Atay said that her son told them to be their voice and call on people to stand up. “ Fill the streets with your voice. - he told us - He said they would not end the hunger strike until isolation is lifted.”