'We will be on the streets until the isolation ends' 2019-05-11 14:37:52   ADANA - Mothers of the prisoners held a sit in in İsmet İnönü Park despite all the interventions of the police. Mothers announced that they will be on the streets until the isolation ends.   The families of the prisoners who are on hunger strike or in a death fast demanding the termination of the isolation in İmralı, gathered in front of the People's Democratic Party building and marched to İsmet İnönü Park. Many non governmental organizations supported the families. Mothers shouted the slogans “Biji berxwedana zindana”, "Leyla Güven is our honour", "We will win resisting", "Remove the isolation, let the prisoners live".    The police surrounded the families sitting in the park and tried to prevent the sit in. The families continued their sit in despite the police and shouted out the demands of their children. Latife Aydın who stated that they can not just sit at home while their children are hungry, said: "Enough is enough. End this isolation. How long will this cruelty last? We don't want our children to die no more. We will be out on the streets everyday."   Park içinde oturan kitleyi polis çembere alıp, eylemlerini engellemeye çalıştı. Buna rağmen aileler oturma eylemini sürdürüp, çocuklarının taleplerini haykırdı. Çocuklarının eylemi devam ederken evde oturamadıklarını dile getiren tutuklu annelerinden Latife Aydın, “Yeter artık kaldırın bu tecridi. Ne zamana kadar bu zülüm üzerimizde olacak. Yeter artık. Çocuklarımız ölmesin. Her gün sokaklarda ve alanlarda olacağız” dedi.