Writer on hunger strike lost sight 2019-05-09 12:35:39 DİYARBAKIR - Author, Mehmet Yavuz, who has been on hunger strike for 70 days in the Şakran 2 N Type T Closed Prison, is learned to have  lost his sight in his left eye as his blood pressure increased. One of the thousands of people on hunger strike demanding the termination of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is Author Mehmet Yavuz in İzmir Şakran No 2 Type T Closed Prison.     Yavuz who was arrested in 1994, is on the 70th day of his hunger strike he joined on March 1.Yavuz who have lost 16 kilos until now, lost his sight in his left eye due to high blood pressure.   Yavuz who made a call in the letter he wrote to his family, said he has been through the agony of 25 years of darkness in the dungeons but now, after the hunger strike, he feels happy and hopeful and free.   Author Mehmet Yavuz has 3 books named 'From feminism to ideology', “Ax û Xwin 1” and “Xeyalên Nivcomayî”