She can go see her son on hunger strike 2019-04-22 10:38:30 MERSİN- 28 years old Çetin Baran who has been on  hunger strike for 53 days in Tekirdağ Type T Closed Prison, said his friends who are on hunger strike longer, can not speak to their families on the phone. Baran's mother Ayde Baran who stated that due to financial difficulties she was not able to visit her son, said: "As mothers, we will not take a step back". Baran has a 22 year old prison sentence to serve. 'I CAN'T EVEN SEND MY SON 1 LIRA'   Ayde Baran who was not able to recieve information on his son's health because she can not visit him due to financial difficulties, said: "I haven't seen him since for 7 months now. I am the only one working at our household. Tekirdağ is too far away and I am sick. I can't even send him 1 lira due to my financial difficulties. I wish they would take me and put me there with him. I would gladly get arrested."   Ayde Baran who spoke to her son on the phone on April 15 said his son told him 'Our morale is high. We will not end the hunger strike until we recieve results. We will break the isolation. The 2 friend of mine in my ward are from the first group. They are in critical condition, they are wasting away before my eyes. They can not even stand up to go to the phones to speak with their families."   Baran who stated that she supports her son's hunger strike action, said: "We stand with our children. All the political prisoners in all prisons are my children. The government whould know that if they do not take immediate action regarding the hunger strikes, the mothers will not take a step back even there is death at the end."     CALL FOR THE MOTHERS   Baran who stated that the isolation is imposed on all Kurdish citizens, stating that she too was arrested with the accusation of 'being a member of an illegal organization', said she was on a 3 day hunger strike for support the previous days. Baran called on to the mothers to unite and be as determined as their children to prevent them from dying.