HDP building mothers on hunger strike stays blockaded by the police 2019-04-16 09:23:32 MERSİN- The building where mothers who are on rotating hunger strike protesting the isolation in İmralı is blockaded by the police. Police are pressuring the mothers to end the action. People's Democratic Party (HDP) Mersin Provincial building where mothers started a 3 day hunger strike to support their children and protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, was blockaded by the police with their armoured vehicles laste last night.   POLICE: TELL THE MOTHERS TO END THE HUNGER STRIKE   The police who detained two citizens visiting the mothers, 'tell those upstairs to end the hunger strike', and in case they did not end it, they will not let them go.    POLICE: WE'LL GET THE WARRANT LATER   The attorneys and the provincial executives who arrived the building after the police detained the 2 citizens, asked for a warrant and told the police that what they are doing is unlawful.The fact that the police told the attorneys that they will get the warrants later attracked attention. Provincial executives told the police that the mothers are determined to go through with their hunger strike action and they will not end it. Police told the attorneys that they will wait until tomorrow for the mothers to end the hunger strike and left the building.