72 petitions to the Parliamentary Human Rights Commission on hunger strikes 2019-04-05 13:17:45   ANKARA- People's Democratic Party (HDP) Kocaeli Deputy and Parliamentary Human Rights Commission member Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu issued 72 petitions to the Parliamentary Human Rights Commission demanding the Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül to respond about the ongoing hunger strikes in 72 different prisons.   The questions of Gergerlioğlu demanding responce from Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül are as follows:    "*Is it true that the political prisoners and convicts have started an indefinite non-rotating hunger strike in prisons?   *If it is true what stage the hunger strike is right now?   *How many prisoners have started an indefinite non-rotating hunger strike until now?   *What are the demands of the indefinite non-rotating hunger strikers?   *Are the necessary vitamins being given to these prisoners?    * Was the prison administration and the political power able to manage the crisis right before the prisoners and the convicts laid their bodies to hunger?   * Are measures taken regarding the health problems that prisoners may experience?   *What steps will be taken by the ministry regarding the issue?   * Süreçle ilgili bakanlık acilen hangi adımları atacaktır?   * As the hunger strike continues, how many prisoners on the hunger strike have been transferred to other prisons? What are the reasons for these transfers?   * What is the number of the prisoners who ended their lives in the process of the hunger strikes? What  measures have been taken by the Ministry of Justice to prevent these deaths?   *In which prisons are the hunger strikes continuing?