Erdoğan Aydın: HDP relieved the pressure on the people in the west 2019-04-02 13:35:14 İSTANBUL- Historian Erdoğan Aydın who stated that HDP have releived the people off the pressure in the west with their strategy, said: "If the government does not get the message people gave them in the elections, the outcome might be a disaster. The local elections are now over. According to the unofficial results, AKP who have lost in the metropols like Ankara and İstanbul have suffered a decrease in their votes. In the east where AKP had appointed trustees, HDP won back their municipalities.   Aydın who stated that appointing trustees was a bad strategy AKP came up with to extend the life of their government, said: "AKP can not continue their colonial policy in Diyarbakır, Van, Muş, Siirt and Mardin.Kurdish people and the forces of democracy have showed him that they won't give up their demands and that the trustee policy won't work."     Aydın who underlined that HDP is giving hope to Turkey politics, said their strategy in the west have relieved the pressure on the people. Aydın added, :"They made Ankara, İstanbul, Adana, Mersin, the voters, the streets, the markets, the factories hope for democracy and believe that if they keep struggling they will win. That's why I think every citizen in Turkey owes a 'Thanks'.