HDP Spokesperson Oluç: Trustee policy was rejected 2019-03-31 22:11:47 ANKARA- HDP Spokesperson Saruhan Oluç who made a press conference at his party's headquarters,said: "The trustee policy was rejected by the people. The strategy we followed in the west was seen to be correct. Oluç attributed the results of Şırnak to the troops and police votes shifted to the city. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) spokesperson Saruhan Oluç held a press conference on the latest developments at his party's headquarters.   Oluç's statement was as follows:    "I want to draaw attention to a point. We warned Supreme Committee of Elections (YSK) about the violations. They have stopped the data flow to the political parties, which they legally have to do.YSK have to explain the reason why they stopped the data flow to the society.   The YSK will be used as a tool to interfere with the elections. Its members are required to submit the account of this work in law. While the data flow is made by AA everywhere, the reason for data interruption between 56-59 minutes cannot be explained as a technical fault.   There is  point the partizan media have been focusing on since the election night have started. They have been interpreting the eletion results of Şırnak in various ways. We told that the government transfered the registrations of the police and the soldiars here from other cities. A greal deal of law enforcement personel have voted in Şırnak without having the necessarry documents,illegally. The result we have now is the result of the shifted registrations."