They are voting with uniforms on 2019-03-31 11:18:06 ŞIRNAK- Soldiars who wanted to vote in uniforms even though they are not on official duty in Şırnak, Beytüşşebap, had to remove their uniforms on the warning of HDP polling clerks.   The soldiars whose registrations were moved to Şırnak city center and Beytüşşebap illegaly before the elections, started voting processionally in uniforms in the schools they came in armored vehicles.With the convoy consisting of dozens of armored vehicles, intensive security measures were taken for the soldiers who were brought to Edip Başar Primary School in Şırnak city center.   Journalists who wanted to get an image in the moments when the soldiers were brought to vote were again blocked by military officers.   According to the information obtained, electoral voters were pressured before the elections in the city where mostly rangers live. Solidars with long barreled weapons were seen waiting in the school where the voting process continues.   Korucuların çoğunlukta bulunduğu kent merkezine bağlı Kasrik’te de sandık başına gitmeleri öncesi seçmenlere baskı uygulandığı bilgisine ulaşıldı. Oy kullanma işleminin sürdüğü okullarda onlarca uzun namlulu silahlı askerin  bulundurulduğu aktarıldı.   Again in Beytüşşebap district, soldiers were brought to schools where they would vote by means of armored vehicles. All of these soldiers were uniforms. The soldiers, who were apparently not on official duty, were only able to vote after removing the uniforms after the warning of the HDP officials.