Police raid to the election office in Siirt 2019-03-29 12:57:54   SİİRT- A police raid was carried out to an election office of HDP in Siirt, claiming people are 'making propaganda of an illegal organization' in there.   The election office of People's Democratic Party (HDP) was raided by the police at 22.30 last night in the city center of Siirt. The police stating that they raided the office because people are making 'propaganda of an illegal organization, left the place confiscating nothing.   HDP Siirt Deputy Meral Danış Beştaş who made a statement about the raid, stating that their election office was searched with an illegal order, said, 'Ofcourse they were'nt able to find anything that constitudes a crime. They are getting more ill-tempered as they realize they are losing."   Beştaş  who stated that they are calling for organizing around HDP in their offices, said: " Because HDP is a great chance for Turkey. We say this all the time. We are at ease. Eventhough these practises annoy us, we are focusing on winning Siirt.Siirt is ours and we will keep fighting these unlawfullnesses after the elections as well."