On hunger strike for 94 days: Resist for yourself! 2019-03-29 12:29:16   DİYARBAKIR- Hamza Doğrul who is on a hunger strike against isolation for 94 days, emphasizing that they do not have an alternative than to resist, said: "Our resistance is a call for the Kurdish people. Do not resist for us, resist for yourself!"   The hunger strike Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven have started demanding the termination of the isolation, is on its 142nd day. The hunger strike political prisoners started on December 16, have spreaded to all prisons on March 1.   Hamza Doğrul who joined the hunger strike with the first group is Silivri No 5 Prison, is on his 94th day. Doğrul stated that no matter what the price is, they will continue their hunger strike in a phone call he made with his family.   'RESIST FOR YOURSELF'   Doğrul who stated that 'Our resistance is a call for the Kurdish people', said: "This resistance is yours. The insurgents are your children. No one should expect us to stay silent and watch. We will not stay silent. We will not watch. We have resisted. We are resisting. And we will resist stronger. Our expectation from our people, from the revolutionaries and the democrats, is not to support us but to resist for themselves."