Halfeti trustee left the job to election day tricks! 2019-03-28 12:23:57   URFA- AKP Candidate Şeref Albayrak who was appointed to the Mayorship as a trustee that could not get the results he wanted despite the pressure the police and the gendermerie applies on the people, will allegedly empty the schools on the election day and will try to get results by pressuring people into voting for him in Urfa, Halfeti.     It was claimed that Şeref Albayrak, AKP Candidate for the Mayorship who is also appointed to the office as a trustee and as a district governer could not achive the desired outcome even though 3 thousand 187 voters' registrations moved to the district, will turn to pressure the HDP voters. It was also claimed that the Göklü Gendermerie Commander and district security director are working as if they are the executives of AKP  and calling the voters to the police station for depositions to threaten them into voting for AKP.   A citizen who is a candidate for nomination from AKP Halfeti Municipality Mayorship stated that Şeref Albayrak understood that he will lose and he will stack the dack on the election day. The citizen that overheard his dialogue with his driver, stated that Albayrak said: "We have lost this election. We have to admit it. The police and the gendermerie was not able to accomplish our orders.We will pressure them until the election day but it will not work. We can finish the job on the election day, that is the only way left."