Call from the intellectuals: We invite the government to do its job 2019-03-27 11:36:08   İZMİR-Intellectuals drawing attention to the fact that the process is the shadow of the 80's, called on to the government to take a step regarding the hunger strikes. Artists drew attention to the fact that the government is responsible for the deaths.   The hunger strike Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven have started in Diyarbakır Type E Prison and continues at her home after her release is on its 140th day today. The prisoners who joined the hunger strike on December 16 is on their 102nd day. The hunger strikes spreaded to all prisons on March 1.     Artist Levent Üzümcü, Adnan Özyalçıner and Nur Sürer called on to the government to take a step regarding the hunger strikes.   'THE GOVERNMENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS'   Theater actor Levent Üzümcü, stating that prisoners are taking their own lives to make themselves be heard, said: " "The judicial system and the prisons are the result of this system for those found guilty. Prisons are enterprises in the state. If people burn themselves in institutions, they go to hunger strike in order to be able to make their voices heard; the ones who are responsible fot this is the government who are alienated themselves from their people, who are far from seeing those prisoners as human beings."   'ı INVITE THEM TO DO THEIR JOB'   Actress Nur Sürer stating that this is a painfull process in every sense, said: ""The period we live in is painful in every sense. Even after the coup periods that we think we see the most severe. There has been tremendous pressure in prisons, especially after July 15. It is the government's responsibility to secure the right to life of the prisoners and to ensure that the life they are living is humane. I invite the government to fulfill their duties."   'THE DEMANDS MUST BE MET'    Adnan Özyalçıner who stated that living is the most natural human right, said: "The right to life is our most natural right. It cannot be abolished, it cannot be ignored. Everyone has the right to life. Especially for those whose freedom is restricted. Steps must be taken at once and the demands must be met "