İHD and TİHV: Government should assume responsibility 2019-03-26 15:30:54   MERSİN- İHD and TİHV Mersin Branches,stating that the hunger strikes came to a point where the voice of the prisoners are heard ,demanded that the government to meet the demands immediately.   Human Rights Association (IHD) and the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (Thiva) Mersin branch drew attention to the condition of the political prisoners and Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven who are protesting the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.HDP, HDK, 78's Initiative, Halkevleri (HE), TUAYDER, representatives of many political parties and non-governmental organizations, as well as many people attended the press conference held in İHD Branch building.İHD Mersin Branch Secretary Tahir Tüyben read the statement.     Tüyben who mentioned that the health conditions of the hunger strikers which is pronounced in thousands is critical, said: " Political power must see its responsibility in this regard and meet these demands as soon as possible. Due to the ongoing hunger strikes as human rights organizations, we indicate that we closely monitor the prisons, conduct visits through lawyers, convey the demands to the political power, make attempts to be more sensitive to the democratic public, and continue to take steps to fulfill the responsibilities of the international community and international organizations. We hope that this call is followed and no one will ever end their lives."