Prisoners in Kırıkkale can not sleep Bedsores began to appear on their bodies 2019-03-26 11:30:52 MERSİN- While 44 prisoners are on hunger strike in Kırıkkale Type F Closed Prison, Faruk Uras who is on hunger strike since March 1, said his friends who are on hunger strike since December 26 are in critical condition. Aras stated that his friends have lost a lot of weight, have trouble sleeping and bedsores began appearing on their bodies. The hunger strike Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy have started and approximately 7 thousand political prisoners joined demanding the termination on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is continuing. One of these prisoners is Faruk Aras, who is on hunger strike since March 1 in Kırıkkale Type F Closed Prison.   Aras who was sentenced to 120 years of prison sentence with the accusation of 'being a member of an illegal organization'said 6 prisoners in Kırıkkale Prison are on hunger strike since December 26 and 38 prisoners including him are on hunger strike since March 1.   Aras mentioning that 8 prisoners are in critical condition said they have lost a lot of weight, have trouble sleeping and bedsores began appearing on their bodies, their blood pressure is not stable and they are sliding into an irreversable condition.   Aras mentioning that their demand is lawful and legitimate, said: "Our aim is clear. We want the aggravated isolation on our leader to be terminated. Kurdish people can not expected to accept this.We will go all the way and not end our hunger strike until our demand is met. People should no whatever they can do to prevent these deaths before its too late."