'Do something before our children dies' 2019-03-16 12:17:02   SİİRT- Agit Kaçar, father of Refik Kaçar who is on a hunger strike for 16 days in Elazığ Prison, stating that the demand of the prisoners is legitimate and rightful, said: "Do something before our children dies."   The hunger strike Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair Leyla Güven started with the demand of the termination of the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan have left behind 129 days.The hunger strike of the political prisoners began on December 16,2018 have spreaded to all prisons as of March 1.     Kaçar's father Agit Kaçar (50), stating that he visited his son on March 14,said the prisoners were punished with visitation bans, phonecall bans, sports bans and etc.Father Kaçar who said 'All prisons are similar in Turkey but Elazı is the worst', said both of hs son's eyes are transplant and that a long hunger strike might cause loss of eye sight.Father Kaçar who said he shared this concern with his son but he said 'It's nothing, I am not any different than any of my friends.'     Father Kaçar who called on to the public, said: "Protect our children. Do something before our children dies. They are on hunger strike to stop the isolation on the leader of the Kurdish community. Their demand is legitimate and rightful. They have no other means of their search for justice and that's why they started this hunger strike. I am calling on to the public. Please take a step forward for the life of our children."     Father Kaçar who said his son told him that the hunger strikers who are on hunger strike for 65 days are put in solitary confinement and they do not have companions to help them, said the prisoners wanted him to share this information with the public.