From the people of Diyarbakır to Erdoğan: What he calls Southeast, we call Kurdistan 2019-03-14 13:15:46   DİYARBAKIR- The people of Diyarbakır who reacted to the AKP President Erdoğan's words he keeps saying in the election meetings 'There is no Kurdistan', and said: "What they call southeast, we call  Kurdistan."   The people of Diyarbakır reacted to the words of Erdoğan where he said: "There is no Kurdistan in Turkey. There is one in North Iraq, if they love it so much they can clear off and go there."   'WE LIVE IN KURDISTAN'   25 year old housewife Semire Uzunboy who reacted to the words of Erdoğan, said: "We live in the Kurdistan district. We live here. We were born here and hopefully we will die here. I opened my eyes to this land, and so were my children. My grandparents lived here before me and died here. I hope we too will die in our lands, Kurdistan. They can keep denying this fact. Amed knows what the fact is."   'WE CALL IT KURDISTAN'   74 year old Çelebi Topuz who stated that Kurdish people are being denied in their own lands for years, said Kurdish people live all around the world. Topuz said: "No one can show the door to Kurdish people. What they call southeast we call Kurdistan. Should we count the cities one by one? This is not a healthy discourse and it is not an approppriate language for a president. This is a shame.  Kurdish people will no longer accept this denial."   Abdullah Gezgin who used to work as a ranger and was fired because he voted for HDP said: "They see everyone voting for HDP as a terrorist. He asked that day at his Dİyarbakır meeting, 'Is there a place called Kurdistan?' Yes there is. The whole eastern district is Kurdistan."   A citizen called Emin Ceren said: " If there is no Kurdistan, there is no Kurds as well. We are the Kurdish people and we are from Mesopotamia. Kurdistan is here. All the statesman used this discourse and denied us. No one can dismiss us from our lands. He can leave if he wants to. There is a blood shed in these lands for years. Why? Isn't our whole struggle for our language and identity? "   70 year old Fahri Hacı who works as a peddler said: "The president should tell us where he came from. He should be searching for his background. We did not come here from elsewhere. We are the oldest population of these lands. These are the lands of Halilullah and he is Kurdish. If Erdoğan denies this as well, I have nothing more to say. This is our fault. If he could not get any votes from Diyarbakır he wouldn't be able to deny us."   Another citizen, 50 year old Mehmet Şükrü Gezer who reacted to the words of Erdoğan said: "He knows best that Kurdistan exist. Kurdistan is a district. The home of the Kurdish. It is not something that dissappear when you deny it."