'The hunger strikers in Düzce Prison are determined against all oppression' 2019-03-11 09:40:56   ADANA- Şükran Aydoğan who visited the prisoners in Düzce Type T Prison said: " Prisoners are being subjected to all kinds of rights violations on a daily basis. They are not being given their news papers, they are forced standing up during counts. They said their morale is high and they wouldn't give up. They believe they will win resisting."     Mehmet Erbey who is on a hunger strike for 76 days said 'We will not step back before our demands are met.'     The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress Co-chair (DTK) and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven have spreaded to all prisons since March 1.Mehmet Erbay and Süleyman Benzer are on a hunger strike since December 26, Mehmet Akbalık and Fikret Karakıç since January 5 in Düzce Type T prison. The prisoners who claim that their rights are being violated and that they will continue their hunger strike until their demands are met.   ŞÜkran Aydoğan who visited Mehmet Erbay who is on a hunger strike for 76 days, said their rights are being violated and they are in critical condition. Aydoğan said Erbey was 83 kilos before the hunger strike and now he is 67. Aydoğan who stated that Süleyman Benzer is being held in solitary confinement. Aydoğan said, Erbey conveyed him the message that: "We are subjected to all kinds of rights violations on a daily basis. We are not being given our choice of newspapers and we are being forced to stand up during counts. We will not step back before our demands are met. Our morale is high and we will resist and we will win."