Labourer Women: Leyla is a woman of our class, we must keep her alive 2019-03-07 14:18:07   İSTANBUL- Labourer Women who drew attention to the condition of Leyla Güven who has been on a hunger strike for 120 days, said: "She is a woman of our class, we must keep her alive."   The hunger strike Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven initiated wtih the demand of terminating the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is on its 120th day. There are thousands of political prisoners on hunger strike with her.    Support messages keep coming for Leyla and the other hunger strikers who are detoriorating by the minute.   Labourer Women (EKA) members drew attention to the isolation and the hunger strike and send a message of solidarity.   Gamze Nihal İyidoğanfrom EKA who said they support Güven and her resistance, said: "I salut everyone who put in effort to make the demands of Leyla and her comrades met. Leyla is an example of women who are in front lines of the battles. The flags are waving in the hands of women now."   İyidoğan critisized that it is not possible to help the hunger strikers with just press statements. İyidoğan who said that the action can not be deferred with other agendas such as the local elections, said: "She's melting away day by day. Leyla is a woman of our class, she is our comrade. That's why we have to expand our resistance. We have to shout out from all areas. We will keep her alive!"