Sedat Akın continues the hunger strike he started in prison at home now 2019-02-28 13:14:20 BATMAN- Sedat Akın who continues the hunger strike he started in prison from his home now that he is released, said: "Our demand should also be the demand of the oppressed people" The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan continues on its 112nd day. The hunger strikes of the prisoners in 67 different prisons all around the country with the same demand continues as well. There are 331 prisoners who are on hunger strike with Leyla Güven. Sedat Akın was released on his 44th day of hunger strike that is announced to be expanding to all prisons on March 1. Akın continues his hunger strike at home now.   Akın who said his morale is high, said: "We are supporting our friends resisting in the dungeons. There is a distinct beauty of maintaining this struggle outside. It's even more enthusiastic for me to support them from the outside. Of course there is the sadness of being separated from them, but I will continue to struggle with them to the end. I started the fight with them, I'll end with them"   Emphasizing that their action will continue until the demands are met, Akın said; "People must take action before anyone dies and the demands must be met."