Hatay on a knife edge! 2019-02-28 10:34:02 HATAY- NGO and political party representatives in Hatay asked where the armed organization members would go in case of a probable İdlib operation. Representatives are worried the 8 year long safety concern will sky rocket.   Hatay has become the base of radical Islamist groups since the beginning of the Syrian war. Hatay is one of the cities that will be most affected by a possible Idlip operation. Almost 400 thousand Syrian refugees settled in the city with the beginning of the war.Tahrir al-Sham (HRF) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA)  travels comfortably in and out of the borders.Non-governmental organizations and political parties in the city were  dissatisfied with the recent developments in Syria evaluated the developments.   Socialist Redevelopment Party (SYKP) MYK member Hülya Kavuk said that since Efrin operation, there has been a serious of unrest in the city. Kavuk said that there is a security problem in Hatay center and its districts. Kavuk said that most of the people living in Hatay had a relative in Syria, so the attitude against the war in Syria was dominant from the very beginning. Kavuk said: "After the explosion of Reyhanlı small-scale explosions in houses in the city caused serious concerns in the public. The existence of radical Islamist groups in the city is a concern for public safety"   Kavuk who said there is a serious public opinion in the city against the Efrin operation, said everyone who opposed this operation was taken under custody with police raids from their homes. Kavuk said: "All of the jihadist gangs used in the operation in Efrîn are held in Hatay border cities. A serious security problem will occure in a possible Efrin operation if the jihadist groups in Ferin  will add up to the ones in Turkey.Since the start of the Syrian war, the city has been experiencing serious economic shocks. 400 thousand refugee population in the city, unemployment problem, the closing of the border gates came ended the trade.   Human Rights Association (IHD) Iskenderun Branch President Coşkun Selçuk who said Syria is a neighboring country to Hatay, said Hatay is effected by the 8 year long war in Syria. Coşkun stated that a possible Idlib  operation will cause a refugee problem and that if the operation is done, there will be a flow of refugees. Coşkun who asks what will ever happen to those armed forces be or if they will come here with the refugees, said these unanswered question causes unrest in people.   People's Democratic Party Hatay District Co-chair Sulatan Başaran who stated that everyone have seen the Free Syrian Army that AKP government said they are national and domestic, said Hatay will be the first place they will come in case of an Efrin operation.