'The action of Leyla Güven resembles Leyla Qasım's' 2019-02-28 09:47:52   MERSİN- Osman Aka, father of Yasin Aka who is on hunger strike against isolation said the action of Leyla Güven resembles the action of Leyla Qasım's.   The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan continues on its 112nd day. The hunger strikes of the prisoners in 67 different prisons all around the country with the same demand continues as well. There are 331 prisoners who are on hunger strike with Leyla Güven. Deniz Kaya who made a statement in the name of all those prisoners said their hunger strike will spread to all prisons on March 1 if the government doesn't take any steps towards a solution.   Yasin Aka, one of those prisoners is on hunger strike since January 25 in İzmir Şakran No 4 Type T Prison. Aka got arrested in 2009, when he was 22 on political grounds and was sentenced to 24 years of prison sentence with the accusation of being a member of an organization.   Father Osman Aka who stated that he has not been able to visit her son for financial reasons for a long time, said his son's morale was high and he was determined about his action when he spoke to him on the phone on Fevruary 19. Aka shared his son's message to the public: "Our demand is the same demand with Leyla Güven in order to end this war we are going through. We are determined with our stence no matter what happens."   Father Aka who said the hunger striker prisoners aren't being given vitamin B1 and fruit juice, said they could not eat at home because they know their son and his friends are on hunger strike.   Father aka said  Leyla Güven resembles Leyla Qasım who was executed by the Baas regime leader Saddam Hüseyin back in May 12, 1974 in Iraq.   Father Aka said: "Leyla Güven's uprising resembles Leyla Qasım's. This resistance aiming the termination of isolation, may crack the door open towards solution for the Kurdish problem and other problems in the Middle East" and made a call for awareness and sensitivity.