Hunger striker Söyler: There is no colour of pain but there is a colur of peace 2019-02-27 13:30:52   İSTANBUL- Özlem Söyler who is on a hunger strike for 74 days, addressed the public with a letter she sent and said: "There is no colour of pain, but peace, brotherhood,friendship and democracy have a colour" and made a call to the society to make some noise about the hunger strikes in order not to live the same tragedies that Turkey have seen before.   The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven to protest the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan continues on its 112nd day. The hunger strikes of the prisoners in different prisons all around the country with the same demand continues as well. There are 331 prisoners who are on hunger strike with Leyla Güven.   Deniz Kaya who made a statement in the name of all PKK and PJAK prisoners said that every PKK and PJAK prisoners in all of the prisons will join the hunger strike on the 1st of March unless the government take any steps by then.   Özlem Söyler who is on a hunger strike for 74 days since December 16, have sent a letter addressing the public about the hunger strikes.   Söyler made a call to the public to take action until their hunger strike gives results.   Söyler said: "The society of Turkey and the Kurdish community should understand us. This action is for them to live together in peace. These two ancient folk traditions, which have lived like  brothers and sisters for thousands of years, should not be sacrificed to state and temporary government policies. Both sides have lost too many people and lived through unspeakable pain in the last 40 years. But there is no colour of pain. On the other hand, peace, brotherhood,friendship and democracy have a colour. That is the colour of life. Let us live that life together. People like Deniz Gezmiş, Mahir Çayan, Kemal, Mazlum and Hayri have got out of prisons in coffins. What we ecpect from the society is to support us and help us not to live through same tragedies again. This isolation prevents us from hearing each other, understanding each other, providing solutions together. We must unite and end this isolation. Our expactation and request from the society is this."