Yıldız from MKP have started a hunger strike: Socialists can not stay silent 2019-02-25 14:44:06   İSTANBUL- Prisoner Kadir Yıldız from MKP who started a 10 day hunger strike to support the hunger strike actions initiated by DTK Co-chair Leyla Güven, said: "In a time where a legitimate revolutionary action is taking place, a socialist cannot be silent for any reason."   The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven with the demand of termination of the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is on its 110th day. The indefinite non-rotating hunger strike of the political prisoners who participated in Güven's action is continuing. The prisoners who got arrested from other organization's cases keep going on 10 day support hunger strikes in solidarity with PKK and PJAK prisoners.   Kadir Yılmaz who was arrested for being a memner of Maoist Communist Party (MKP) and held in Kandıra No 2 Type F Prison announced that he is starting a 10 day hunger strike in solidarity through a letter he sent.   Yıldız who started his letter by saluting Güven and the other prisoners on hunger strike, said: "I want to say that owning and supporting the hunger strike resistance is a duty and responsibility of us socialists. We can not stay silent in the face of this resistance and we shouldn't. We have to take responsibility and own the hunger strike now in its 110th day."