Women prisoners on hunger strike: The end will be glorious 2019-02-23 10:35:50 İZMİR- süheyla Taş and Sariye Taşkesen, who are on a hunger strike, said 'It must be known that, the end will be glorious with this resistance' and said everyone should support the hunger strike. The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society (DTK)  Congress Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven with the demand of terminating the isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is on its 108th day. The hunger strikes of approximately 321 prisoners are continuing. Süheyla Taş and Sariye Taşkesen who are on a hunger strike in Sincan Women's Closed Prison since December 26 have wrote a letter telling about their objective and their feelings about the hunger strike.   Süheyla Taş who had to migrate to Ankara with her family when she was 12, is actually from Hakkari. Taş who took place in the youth organization in Afyon during college education, got arrested in Dİyarbakır in 2017 and was sentenced to 12 years and 9 months of prison sentence with the charge 'being a member of an illegal organization'.   Taş whose file is still in the Supreme Court, was amonsgt the group of hunger strikers in 2017. Taş who wondered about the intensity of the long hunger strikes, said: "I always wondered about the magic of being fresh and alive all the time.". Taş who reminded that she started the hunger strike with one demand and that is the termination of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, said: "The isolation on our leader is actually being practiced on all of our community. Without the termination of the isolation not only our people, but the whole middle east will never be free. That's why I joined the hunger strike.I will not end my hunger strike until our demand is met."    Sariye Taşkesen who is still on trial since April 2016 is from Elazığ, Karakoçan, told about her process of the hunger strike and her objectives. Taşkesen who said: "I feel fine with the morale given by our belief that this hunger strike is very justified and will bring success. To rip away a leader who believes in socialism and devoted his life to it and to keep him isolated is a crime against humanity. Not to be a part in this crime against humanity, and to diversify the actions initiated by women we need to tell it out loud and practice our demand in every walk of life. We are calling on to all people who wants to see the red of the dawn after this darkness, to all Kurdish women, to all socialists, to all people who feel theirselves responsible to help this hunger strike grow. It must be known that the end will be glorious with this resistance."