Vitamin B1 is not given to the hunger strikers in Şakran Prison 2019-02-06 10:28:14   İZMİR- HDP member Gülay Gün Bilici who was released from Şakran Women's Closed Prison drawing attention to the health status of the 3 hunger striker women in her ward, said vitamin B1 is not being given to those prisoners.   The hunger strikes being done with the demand of the termination of the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan are expanding. While the hunger strike of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven is its 90th day, the hunger strikes of the 291 political prisoners in different prisons are on their 53rd day. The indefinite non-rotating hunger strike of Rahşan Aydın, Ebru Güden and Gülten Akgün is on its 42nd day. HDP PM Member Gülay Gün Bilici who was released from Şakran Prison said that the health control of these women are not being done regularly.   Bilici who reminded that she is a nurse, said she was following up on the hunger strikers in her ward with her own means. Bilici who informed that the number of women on hunger strike might increase in the upcoming days, said the prison administration is contiuing their arbitrary treatment and not doing the neccessary health controls. Bilici said: " The blood pressure, temperature and pulse must be checked regularly. Blood tests must be ran every few days. But they are not doing so.Some pills and carbonate must be given to a person on hunger strike. They started giving carbonate on the 20th day. Vitamin B1 which is vital for a hunger striker is not being given. The doctors come in, ask 'Do you have any complaints?' and leave without examining the prisoners."   Bilici who emphasized that the women are determined continuing the hunger strike, said: "The government must take steps towards terminating the isolation. Even though I am released I will keep supporting this struggle."