CHP PM Kılıçaslan: Hunger strikes are the subject of self-criticism for all of us 2019-02-04 11:32:38 ANKARA - CHP PM member Zeki Kilicaslan said that the local elections are the area of resistance to anti-democratic practices, while the hunger strikes in prisons have to be made more visible by the opposition, said: "Hunger strikes are the subject of self-criticism for all of us". While going towards local elections, the election strategies of the parties and the candidates for the mayorships have been largely announced .While the process of nominating candidates of the  the Republican People's Party (CHP) have become a crisis, the Party Assembly (PM) member Zeki Kılıçaslan made evaluations regarding the position of opposition in the local elections.   'HDP'S STRATEGY IS VALUABLE'   Kılıçaslan emphasized that the metropols like Istanbul, Ankara and İzmir in which HDP will not nominate a candidate is  important in terms of morale and motivation of the society  and said that if the government loses the metropols, they will enter a  process of wear-down. KIlıçarslan, underlining that this situation is already causing disintegration and dissolution between MHP and AKP, said: " We see the disintegration even now.I find the strategy of HDP very valuable in terms of winning the metropols."   'IT IS A SUBJECT OF SELF CRITISIZM FOR ALL OF US'   Kılıçarslan emphasized CHP PM member Eren Erdem who went on a hunger strike in prison to draw attention to the unlawfulnesses, again  the Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-Chair and HDP Hakkari MP Leyla Güven, who has been on hunger strike for 87 days, demanding the termination  of the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan and other 281 political prisoners who are on a hunger strike supporting Güven and said:" These are all subjects of self-critisizm for all of us. We are being oppressed by the governments tyranny and their policy of camouflaging the reality . We have to self-critisize and make the hunger strikes more visible."   Kılıçarslan made a call to the government and the institutions of justice to take steps adhering to international conventions and the basic principles of human rights.