'It will be a shame of humanity if steps are not taken' 2019-02-01 10:43:36   İZMİR- IHD Izmir Prison  Commission Member Lawyer Barış Işık who emphasized that the prisoners are having difficulty accesing  water and sugar, said: " The absolute must of  democracy is to listen to the demands. It will be a shame of humanity if steps are not taken."   The hunger strike initiated by Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven on November 9, 2018 is continuing. 281 prisoners 51 of which is women is continuing their indefinite non-rotating hunger strike in different prisons.   Işık who emphasized that the prisoners are being threatened with disciplinary penalty said they might recieve communication penalty in the upcoming days. Işık said: "We , the human rights defenders, say that the demands of the hunger strikers must taken seriously by the government bodies. The must have of democracy is to listen to the demands. It will be a shame of humanity if steps are not taken. The right to life is the most sacred right. The hunger strike of Leyla Güven who demands the isolation on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan to be terminated is in a critical stage. I hope the strike ends in a favourable outcome and the current government quits their model of being a strike breaker."