They made themselves heard by Güven with ululations 2019-01-30 10:38:45   DİYARBAKIR- HDP members and executives who came by the house of DTK Co-chair Leyla Güven who is continuing her hunger strike from her home which is surrounded by the police and their armed vehicles and supported Güven with ululations.     Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair Leyla Güven is in the 84th day of her hunger strike she started to protest the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.Leyla Güven who started the hunger strike in the prison she was being kept at, then she moved the hunger strike to her home after her release on January 25.   People's Democratic Party building and Diyarbakır Type E Prison in which Leyla Güven was a prisoner was surrounded by the police when Güven started the hunger strike. After her release, her house got surrounded by water cannons, rangers, armed vehicles and riot police.     Despite the police blockade, HDP Diyarbakır Deputy Remziye Tosun, HDP Kayapınar Co-mayor candidates and HDP executives arrived in front of Güven's place.The group that waited in front of Güven's window was surrounded by water cannons and riot police. The group supported Güven with slogans and ululations.