Message from Bask to Güven: Your action will lead the resistance of the Kurdish people to victory 2019-01-21 14:53:47   DİYARBAKIR-  Bask Platform of Solidarity with Kurdistan have sent a message to Leyla Güven who is continuing her hunger strike and said: 'Your action will lead the resistance of the Kurdish people to victory.'   Bask Platform of Solidarity with Kurdistan have sent a message of solidarity to Democratic Society Congress Co-chair (DTK) and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Deputy Leyla Güven who is in a hunger strike for 75 days.   'wILL LEAD TO VICTORY' In the message the statement 'The honor of the Kurdish people will be the hammer to crush fascism' took place, "We want to express our sincere support by knowing that your action  represents a sacrifice that will bring the resistance of the Kurdish people to victory.We know the value of your determination and courage as well as your comrades who participated in the strike " was said.