Kerestecioğlu: Our members and executives are being threatened with their children 2019-01-18 13:03:22 ANKARA- Filiz Kerestecioğlu from HDP, brought the unlawfulnesses against HDP members and executives to the parliament's agenda and drew attention to the fact that women are being threatened with their children. Kerestecioğlu underlined that operations agains HDP Ankara District Organization have become a routine and said: "Our members and executives are being taken under custody on a daily basis to the point that this effects their daily routine as well as their right to be involved in politics which is under guarantee by international conventions. Almost all of the current and former executives of HDP Ankara District Organization have been taken under custody with fake denouncements or past files about them. Some of those executives have been taken under custody on more than one occasion. Some citizens even though they are not members or executives who only attends the activities are being blacklisted and put in lists for future operations.   Our members who are being taken under custody is kept in difficult circumstances in gyms with ISIS and FETÖ members and being forced to listen marches by the guards and police officers. Even though they say there is no physical torture, people's experiences directs to the opposite of what is being said. Our members and executives have witnessed mothers being threatened with their children. The legislation, who is responsible for safeguarding the prohibition of abuse and torture, should undoubtedly have to investigate these observations."