Law suit against 44 students in Ege University after 5 years 2019-01-14 11:06:40   İZMİR- A law suit was filed against 44 students regarding the incident took place between the two groups of students from different opinions in Ege university in 2013. The indictment includes the left- wing students alone. A law suit was files against the 44 students after five years regarding an incedent occuring between two groups of students from different opinions in İzmir, Ege University.The group which was defined as 'Leftist seperatist group' by the indictment prepared by İzmir Chief Prosecutor's Office was charged with 'Damaging puplic property' and  'Opposing the Law No. 2911'. The other 800 right wing students were not included in the indictment.   'OTHER GROUP WERE MADE LOOK INNOCENT'   One of the leftist students included in the indictment, Gamze Yentür, who considers that a law suit was filed against them 5 years later as ironic, said: Most of the students included in the indictment can not even remember the incident. Most of us have graduated or changed majors. Ironically, only the leftist students were included in the law suit. Interestingly, 800 students from the right-wing group and a left-wing student group of 150 students against riot police are mentioned but only the left-wing students are being sued. Right wing students were made look innocent even though their numbers were greater. We do not except the charges."