Visitation ban to hunger striker prisoners in Kayseri 2019-01-10 11:17:49   BATMAN- Visitation rights of the prisoners who are in a hunger strike protesting the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was banned under the name of disciplinary action in Kayseri Bünyan Prison.   It has been learned that after the violation of rights in Kayseri Bünyan Prison was reflected in the press, prisoners visitation rights was being banned. While the prisoners who are in a hunger strike since January 5 recieved a 2 months ban of visitation can only reach out to their families by phone calls, families are worried their phone rights might be banned as well. Families of the prisoners stated that they did not want to reveal their identities due to the pressure imposed on them.   Families of the prisoners called on to Humans Rights Association (İHD) and wanted them to create awareness regarding the pressures in the prisons.