Mother of Leyla Güven was buried 2019-01-04 15:12:42   KONYA- Mother of Leyla Güven who has been in a hunger strike for 58 days was buried. HDP Group Deputy Chairperson Fatma Kurtulan said: "Mother Cevriye was hopeful about all our friends, all women and children in prison."   Cevriye Güven, mother of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) Co-chair and People's Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari Parliament Leyla Güven who has been in an indefinite non-rotating hunger strike protesting the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan have lost her life this morning.   94 year old Cevriye Güven was buried after the ceremony in Konya, Yapalı Village Cemetery. People's Democratic Party (HDP) Group Deputy Chairperson Fatma Kurtulan, HDP Parliamentarians Sevin Coşkun, Mehmet Rüştü Tiryaki, Hüseyin Kaçmaz and many HDP executives have attend the funeral.   'MOTHER CEVRİYE WAS HOPEFUL ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN PRISON'   After the burial Fatma Kurtulan have made a short statement. Kurtulan, reminding of Güven's father who died while she was in prison and Güven couldn't attend to his funeral as well said: "Today, her mother have lost her life. Leyla isn't with us now. Mother Cevriye was hopeful about all our friends, all the women and children in prison. She waited for the good news coming from prison with hope. Unfortunately she could not recieve that good news before she died.  Our friend Leyla is someone who put her body to hunger for this society. Her demand about terminating the isolation must be met at once. Peace of this society was all our mother Cevriye had desired. We hope that the struggle of our friend Leyla could be succesful as soon as possible."   Later, the attendanta came to the home of Cevriye Güven. Condolences will be accepted by the family for 3 days.