Kremlin's statement on Minbic: A positive step 2018-12-28 14:18:17   NEWS DESK- Kremlin spokesperson Dmitriy Peskov said they welcomed the Syrian Army's entry into Minbic after the YPG's call.   Kremlin spokesman Dmitriy Peskov said they welcomed the Syrian army's entry into Minbic after the YPG's call. Peskov responded to the question of whether they approve Syrian Government to be in control of Minbic as: ' Ofcourse we do. This is without a doubt a positive step towards stabilizing the situation in Syria.'   Peskov also added, that the expansion of regions controlled by government forces (in Syria) is undoubtedly a positive trend.    The General Command of People's Defense Units (YPG) has called on to the Syrian Government Forces to protect the areas they evacuated from the occupation of Turkey.   After the call, Syrian Army Spokesperson made a statement in the Syrian State Television that they have entered Minbic and they guarantee the safety of everyone in the city. The spokeperson also emphasized the importance of joint effort to protect the national sovereignty and said that all the invaders will be defeated.