Human's Rights defenders: The government should abandon hate speech 2018-12-26 12:56:51   İSTANBUL- Human rights defenders, who stated that the murder of Kadir Sakçı, who was assaulted with his son in Sakarya because they spoke Kurdish, was the result of the political language of the government and said 'The government must give up the hate speech immediately'     Turkey Human Rights Foundation (TIHV) Board Member Umit Bicer and Human Rights Association (İHD) Istanbul Branch President Gülseren Yoleri, reacted to the murder of Kadir Şakçı(43) and the assault to his son Burhan Şakçı (16) and said such attacks are the product of racist and hate politics.     Emphasizing that state officials should give up their hate speech, Yoleri said, “At the same time, the government should abandon establishing its policies and practices as a result of hate. Such policies create organizations that organize attacks, nurture and strengthen them.As a result some gang like organizations are created and those organizations take action in these kind of assaults.Therefore, here, in principle, the government itself should accept that they are responsible for these attacks, and they should abandon these policies."     Ümit Biçer, a member of the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV), reminded that the most important values of humanity are to own your own life and to stand strong on life's side. Biçer who stated that these policies bring along those assaults with them said: "We see that this takes away the right to life of the people who are being antagonized."