HDP requests for Parliamentary inquiry for Maraş Massacre 2018-12-19 15:48:11   ANTEP- HDP Antep Deputy Mahmut Toğrul, demanded a parliamentary inquiry to identify the responsible parties and the planners of the 19-24 December 1978 Maraş Massacre .   Toğrul stating that the Alawites have been subjected to many massacres because of their beliefs and cultures, said the bloodiest massacre was the one in Maraş. Toğrul emphasized that the provocation and lynch culture was put into operation in the process leading to the Maraş Massacre, said:"Societies that cannot face the painful events of their past will not be able to build a democratic and common future.The state, unable to fulfill its requirements on the day and can't secure justice for the ones who need it, owes an apology to Alawites and the entire society.The Commission to be set up within the Assembly will be a good start for such confrontation and recognition process of the Marash Massacre and all human rights violations in our history and the crimes against humanity.In this context, we demanded that a Parliamentary Study be launched in order to determine the people who planned the massacre with  hatred in Maraş on 19-24 December 1978 and those who provided the political support."