Saturday Mothers demanded justice for Epözdemir and Elçi 2018-12-01 16:54:23 İSTANBUL- Saturday Mothers have made their weekly sit in under police blockade in their 714th week demanding justice for Attorneys Şevket Epözdemir and Tahir Elçi.   Saturday Mothers who wanted to come to Galatasaray Square asking the whereabouts of their lost loved ones and with the demand of judgement fort he perpetraitors was once again precluded. Before the sit in, Human’s Right’s Association (İHD) building was blockaded by the police. Saturday Mothers ,achieving to come to the building despite the blockade, wore t-shirts that have pictures of their lost loved ones, photos in one hand and carnations in other.  HDP Parliamentarians Meral Danış Bektaş, Zeynel Özen, Dilşad Canbaz and CHP Parliamentarians Sezgin Tanrıkulu participated in the press statement with Actrist Nur Sürer and many human’s rights defenders.   In the statement read by Maside Ocak, whose brother Hasan Ocak who was forced into dissappearance, the whereabouts of Attorneys Diyarbakır Bar President Tahir Elçi and Şevket Epözdemir was asked.