Hüda Kaya: 'Leyla Güven continues her womanly outcry' 2018-11-28 10:43:48 VAN- HDP İstanbul parliamentarian Hüda Kaya underlined that Leyla Güven who is now in hunger strike for 21 days, continues her womenly outcry and stand up to the regime. While Güven continues her hunger strike against the lawlessness in this country victimizing everyone including her since November 8, the political prisoners in all prisons started a hunger strike with the same demand, terminating the segregation against Öcalan. Autohorities haven't yet responded.   People's Democratic Party (HDP) İstanbul Parliamentarian Hüda Kaya commented about Leyla Güven's hunger strike and the lawlessness she is subjected to as a woman.   'GÜVEN STANDS UP TO THE REGIME'   Kaya stating that what lies beneath the violence in Turkey against women is  thousands of years long male-dominant society that pushes the limits of humanity. Kaya, underlined that women are the most victimized part pf society suffering from this economical, politic, and social hatred and violence.