Lawyer's of Demirtaş will apply to the court with the request of release 2018-11-20 15:45:53   ANKARA- Lawyers of Demirtaş, previous Co-chair of HDP will apply to court with the request of release after the ECHR verdict.   Lawyers of Demirtaş will apply to  Ankara's 19 th High Criminal Court with the request of release after the European Court Of Human's Rights verdict today.   ECHR VERDICT   Attorneys of Demirtaş who has been detained in Edirne Prison for more than 2 years have applied to ECHR in the name of Demirtaş on grounds of "Right to liberty and security", "the right to be released within a reasonable time or to be released during the trial period" and violation of the liberty of free election."   The court that considered his application decided that article 18 of European Convention on Human Rights which states "The limitations on rights and freedoms can only be applied for the purposes envisaged" is being violated.   ABOUT THE CASE   Demirtaş who was charged with the crimes " Establishing and administrating a terrorist organization" "Praising a terrorist organization" "Praising the crime and the criminal", is being tried with the sentence of 142 years of jail time. 33 different files suited against  Demirtaş in the last year.The file seen by the 19th Criminal court consists of 31 summary of proceeding that have been sent to Grand National Assembly of Turkey in order to  abolish parliamentary immunity