Leyla Güven: I will not stop my hunger strike until Öcalan sees his family and lawyers 2018-11-12 15:17:35   DİYARBAKIR- HDP Hakkari Parliamentarian Leyla Güven: " We are deepening the deadlock by staying silent againt segregation.I will not stop my hunger strike until Öcalan sees his family and lawyers."   DTK Co-chair and HDP Hakkari Parliamentarian  Leyla Güven who was arrested on January 31 because of her work in Democratic Society Congress (DTK) and her reaction against the operation Turkey started against Efrin , is not being released even though she was elected as a parliamentarian in the June 24 elections. Güven did not attend the third hearing of her trial that is seen in Diyarbakır 9th Criminal Court because of the imposition of handcuffs. Güven who attended the hearing via video conferencei stated that the court is not fair and that she will not be making defences about that case anymore. Güven announced that she started a hunger strike protesting the segregation of Abdullah Öcalan. She made a statement on her 6th day of hunger, saying she will not give the hunger strike up until Öcalan meets with his family and his lawyers.