Saturday Mothers: We will keep on asking for justice 2018-11-03 14:47:35   İSTANBUL-Saturday Mothers who wanted to go to Galatasaray Square to ask the whereabouts of their lost relatives, once again have been blocked. Saturday Mothers who asked the where abouts of Nazım Gülmez under police blockade said "We are asking for justice for 23 years now. We will keep on asking.”   Saturday mothers who wanted to ask the whereabouts of their lost loved ones in Galatasaray Square have been blocked by the police in their 710th week. Saturday Mothers once again made their statement in front of İHD building carrying the photographs of their loved ones and carnations.   This week the whereabouts of Nazım Gülmez who was forcefully dissappeared in October 14, 1994 was asked.   Sebla Arcan , İHD Commission of Forced Dissappearences member who read the statement, said: "The state of law stops us with heavily armed police who carries gas bombs and shields against our demand of justice. We are calling the prosecutors to duty to find the offender of Nazım Gülmez. The impunity in this case must stop. We want justice for Nazım Gülmez and all of our lost loved ones."