The family of Yıldırım brothers : We have no hope left 2018-10-25 14:07:49 ŞIRNAK- Muhammed (7) and Furkan Yıldırım (6) who died under a panzer that got into their homes through a wall in Silopi finally recieved the scouting report of their death. The report said that the panzer had tha genuine fault and the police driving it was at slight fault.  YIldırım family said that they have no home left towards a fair trial. Muhammed (7) and Furkan Yıldırım (6) brothers have lost their lives from a panzer crash inside their house in Şırnak Silopi on May 3, 2017.   In the expert's report prepared according to the crime scene analysis that were done on September 19 ,the panzer which had a working break and wheel was found at genuine fault and the defendant police Ömer Yeğit who was driving it was found at slight fault.   Event related case will be seen at Cizre 2nd Criminal Court.   FAMILY IS HOPELESS   The family who are still in pain about losing their children is hopeless due to the fact that the defendant police was released at the first trial,  no investigation was started about the witness police in the witness reports, and fact that the verdict was that the panzer was at fault.   Father Mesut Yıldırım who spoke to our agency before the trial said :" I have no hope of justice."   Father Yıldırım who said " I have never seen a fair verdict that is given on time", added that as a last resort they will apply to European Human Rights Court (AİHM) and he had no hope about that either for ECHR have long been passing unfair verdicts   Mother Yıldırım who burst into tears every time she speaks about her children said she only wished the responsible parties to be punished.