Journalist Dal who is taken under custody every operation: The situation is routinised 2018-10-25 12:51:47   DİYARBAKIR- Journalist Esra Solin Dal who was taken under custody in the operation against journalists and politicians said everytime there is an operation in town, her home gets raided and it has become a routine.   Esra Solin Dal who was taken under custody in the operation against journalists and politicians launched by Diyarbakır Chief Prosecutor's office, have been taken under custody in every operation the last 2 years.   Journalist Dal, have been taken under custody in operations on August 28,2016 , April 11, 2017 , March 21, 2018 and all her journalist materals were confiscated.    Dal pointing out that the fact that your house gets raided in every operation makes it clear that there is no press freedom in Turkey said: "They can raid our homes with no good reaseon. I have been through this the last one and a half years."   Dal, said " If journalism is a crime, they should put it into the law so that we can face the issue and act knowingly.”