Social media warning to those travel to Turkey from Germany 2018-10-24 15:26:13   NEWS DESK- Germany Ministry of Interrior warned their citizens that are going to visit Turkey about their social media shares.   Germany Ministry of Interrior have updated their travel information guide about Turkey saying: " The shares that criticize the government or even liking them can cause file suits that can land you in jail. People were tried with the charge of " Insult to the president" or " terror propaganda".   According to the report on Euronews, the update also includes situtations that are in the area of freedom of speech in German law.   It is also specified  "If found guilty, it could end up with prison sentence."   The update in the guide remarking the cases that German citizens' that have been taken under custody arbitrarily indicates: " Other arrests are based on relations with people from groups that are spesified as terrorism in Turkey such as Gulen group. Even though their obligations imposed by the international conventions, in some cases it was only possible after a few months of imprisonment to be able to see the prisoner.   In the guide drawing attention to the fact that the state of emergency have ended, warned the German citizens about political shares in social media and to be in crowded places anyway.