Judge had the attorneys arrested after the trial 2018-10-05 11:26:54   İSTANBUL- Nadide Özdemir and Ömer Kavili got arrested who went to Silivri to see their clients.   Lawyers Nadide Özdemir and Ömer Kavili attended a trial in Silivri in 28th criminal court the other day. Kavili and the chief judge argued about procedure in the case Kavili counseled. The judge decided that Kavili should removed from the courtroom. On Kavili's reaction to the incident, he forcedly removed from the courtroom.   Özdemir wanted to record Kavili's removal. Then the judge ordered his phone to be confiscated.He then filed a complaint about the two lawyers.   Kavili and Özdemir, who went back to Silivri Prison Campus for a trial ,got arrested by the military police and were taken to Silivri Gendermerie Station.   Kavili announced the arrest from his twitter account saying " I got arrested. Yesterday I got beaten for wanting to see my client. Now they forbade me to enter the courtroom and i got arrested."