Öcalan from HDP: ECHR is inimical to it’s founding purpose! 2018-09-28 12:11:18   ANKARA - Parlementerian Öcalan from HDP Urfa accused ECHR of being inimical to its founding purpose and politicising it.   The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) announced that they have rejected the appeal submitted in 2010 yesterday of the day the guards searhed the leader of KWP (Kurdistan Workers Party) Öcalan’s room, battering him.   Parlementerian Öcalan from (People's Democratic Party) HDP Urfa said “We can see clearly that the international human rights institutions are working with the governments now. Both CPT, ECHR and EU has a share in the absolute  isolation of Mr. Öcalan."   WE ARE NOT SURPRISED   Öcalan who’s saying the injunction clearly shows that the international forces are becoming partners with Turkey added; "With this injunction the isolation of Öcalan is being absolute. We are not surprised. Because ECHR is a politicised international organization.And it positioned itself by the political equilibrium. The economical and political relations are not irrelevant to this injunction.Isolation have been approved by Europe."   Noone can establish contact with Mr. Öcalan, "the committees are not allowed to see him since 3 years, his lawyers can not see him since 7 years. He does not have the phone call right, or the right to write and recieve mail, or see his family or lawyers.Unfortunately all these invidiousness have been approved by Europe.ECHR and the other human rights groups have gone inimical to their founding purposes.They are deepening the insolubility in Turkiye with these steps. They are adding on the conflict wit this injunction."