Xwebûn: 'Why women journalists? 2024-09-02 11:54:17 NEWS CENTER - The 246th issue of Xwebûn Newspaper was published with the headline “Çima rojnamegerên jin? (Why women journalists?)”.  The 246th issue of Xwebûn, a Kurdish weekly newspaper, was published with the headline “Çima rojnamegerên jin? (Why women journalists?)”. In this issue, the newspaper drew attention to the murder of 7 women journalists in the last 10 years. Pointing to Turkey's attacks on journalists, the newspaper stated that the spreading of the philosophy of “Jin, jiyan, azadî (Woman, life, freedom)” day by day scares the nation states and therefore they increase their attacks on pioneering women and journalists.    In the issue, the massacre of journalists Gulistan Tara and Hêro Bahadîn was mentioned and it was pointed out that the massacre was an indicator of the system's fear of loss.     On the front page of the newspaper, with the title “Talankerê Serra 1955 (Predatory of 1955)”, the events of September 6-7 were mentioned, while on the women's page, with the title “They will not approve child rapes”, laws targeting women's gains were pointed out.