Isolation emphasis in protest against trusteeship 2024-08-31 20:53:10 ANKARA - In a demonstration organized in Ankara against the will usurpation, attacks on Kurdish culture were highlighted and the isolation was demanded to be lifted. Ankara Labor and Democracy Forces organized a demonstration on Sakarya Street to protest the trustee appointed to Colemêrg Municipality, which People’s Equality and Democracy (DEM Party) won.    During the demonstration, banners reading, “Municipalities are ours, we will not allow usurpation”, “What comes with trusteeship goes with resistance” were carried. Speaking at the demonstration, Tatlıgül Gül, Co-Chair of DEM Party Ankara Provincial Organization, reminded that 80 days have passed since the trustee appointment.   Stating that nothing can be achieved with the trustee policy, “We will never accept this lawlessness, this arbitrariness that usurps the will of the people and puts the appointed over the elected” she said.    ‘AKP-MHP WILL LOSE’   Stating that the AKP-MHP alliance will lose, Gül said: “If we look at the government today, they regularly, almost every day, take steps against our peoples; against our environment, our nature, our living creatures. Our people are being tested with hunger and misery. There is not the slightest saving in war and rent policies.”    Drawing attention to the attacks on Kurdish culture, “They have also started to carry out an anti-Kurdish campaign, attacking Kurdish weddings, Kurdish folk songs and halay, arresting young people who halay, and putting wedding parties under pressure and surveillance with gendarmerie and police vehicles. Let us reiterate once again. Enmity against the Kurdish language, culture and itself has nowhere to go. The main source of this unrest is the Kurdish problem that cannot be solved with fairness and justice. The 40-year conflict process, especially since the September 12 fascist coup d'état, has a very heavy financial balance sheet exceeding 3 trillion dollars” Gül said.     CALL TO END ISOLATION   Stating that there are serious crises in unemployment, poverty, education and health in Turkey, Gül said: “Recent history has witnessed that those who cannot solve the Kurdish problem are themselves dissolving. We repeat our call, open the doors to dialogue and negotiation, lift the isolation, immediately release the Kurdish politicians, mayors, Demirtaş, Kavala, who are imprisoned. Return Can Atalay's parliamentary deputy. Do these things so that our geography will be at peace as soon as possible, and the flag of peace will rise from these troubled lands in our world, which is gradually heading towards an apocalypse.”    Stating that they do not recognize the trustee, Gül called end to the lawlessness.