78’s Initiative member Ural detained 2024-08-29 14:59:14   RIHA - Riha 78's Initiative member Mehmet Ural was detained after attending a funeral.   Mehmet Ural, a member of the Riha (Urfa) 78's Initiative, was detained after returning from a funeral in Xelfetî (Halfeti) district for standing in silence and shouting the slogan “Shahid namirin(Martyrs are immortal)”. It is stated that Ural was detained by plainclothes police officers who were present at the funeral ceremony for Tahir Ertürk, a citizen who died in Munich, Germany, in Kûme Firik (Hilali) neighborhood of the district, after taking videos and photographs.    Ural was detained by the gendarmerie after the funeral and taken to Halfeti District Police Headquarters.